You can save up to 30% of what you’re currently paying for auto insurance by following certain rules. The average auto policy in the United States runs just over $800 per year, So considerable savings are possible and if your policy is more costly the discounts are proportionately higher.
The first rule is never renew your existing policy without checking the cost of other policies found in the market place . There are websites that will give you a quote or insurance brokers who will do likewise. Keep in mind that what you are looking for are brokers or websites that handle many different insurance companies. Each policy holder has their own unique driving situation and each insurance company has their own preferences. The idea is to put the two parties together with as inexpensive of a policy as possible.
The second rule concerns discounts. Many insurance companies will give the policy holder a discount for certain things that they have or have done. The insurance company must be told about these matters, but in most cases it is necessary to actually have to ask for the discount. Discounts range from 5% to 20% of the premium. Although the discounts are additive the companies usually put a cap on the total that can be used. You may find that some have already been figured in, but it is worth checking.
Discounts: Anti-theft Device on Auto, Marriage Discount, Advance Degree Discount, Children have good grades 3.0 or better Discount, Low Mileage Discount(driving limited to 5000 to 8000 miles per year), Clubs such as AARP, AAA, GEICO, Unions, etc. Discount., Driving Classes Discount, Paying premium upfront Discount, Paying premium by automatic check Discount, Homeowner Discount, Bundling auto policy with other policies Discou.t