Scientists at the University Of Wales, in the U.K. were amazed when they discovered the health giving properties found in honey. It is true that honey has been used for centuries., it is also true the stories about its benefits were thought to be wishful old wives tales. Contemporary research is rapidly changing its mind about honey.
In tracking a group of over 700 men for a 25 year period it was discovered that those who used honey had a much lower mortality rate than the group who did not use honey. Other beneficial effects were found such as honey having excellent antimicrobial qualities and very useful as a wound healer.
Other treatment areas such as the flu, digestive upset and generally improved health, are claimed for honey, especially when made into a tea and mixed with cinnamon. (4 cups water, 4 teaspoons honey, 1 tea spoon cinnamon). Drink 1/4 cup at a time 3 0r 4 times a day. According to the literature it would be a good idea to eliminate the cinnamon 1 week out of a month. It should also be realized that these claims have not yet been evaluated medically.